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Storage advice
- Transport and storage: Golden papayas are transported refrigerated and stored at a temperature of 10˚C.
- Shop: Present papayas in the refrigerator at 10˚C.
Our papayas are grown in:
Growing and harvesting
At the grower's
The fruits of the Golden papaya grow on the trunk of a tree that can grow up to 4 metres high. The tree trunk is hollow. Cultivation starts with the planting of the seedling when they are 4 weeks old. The papaya is a fast-growing exotic tree: after only 5 to 8 months there are trees of 2 metres with fruit on the field.
From that day on, growers can harvest every day for 18 months, usually one fruit per day. Meanwhile, the trees continue to grow until they reach a height of 3 to 4 metres. After eighteen months, the grower grubs up the field and the process starts all over again.
Our papaya growers pay maximum attention to packaging the fruits. In the packing station, the fruits are rinsed in a cold-water bath. After drying, the employees select the fruits for ripeness and size. Each papaya comes with a protective sock that prevents the papayas fro rolling during transport. The fruits remain in the cold store until they are transported to the Netherlands. Transport is by air, so there are only a few days between the time of harvest and arrival at Nature's Pride.

Packaging options
Papayas are supplied in packages of 4.5 kg net weight. The number depends on the size and weight of the fruits. With size 7, for example, 7 pieces fit in a package (4.5 kg). Golden papaya is available in sizes 7, 8, 9 and 10, packed in flowpack per 1 or 2 pieces.
Recipes & preparation tips
With their sweet flavour, golden papayas are a common ingredient in many recipes. Tropical fruit salads or smoothies are an obvious choice, but there are also more creative applications. Why not try a papaya curry? Find the recipe on the EAT ME consumer website.

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